My choice in college is going to be Washtenaw Community College. I never had an interest in a big college with a fancy name before. There was simply no appeal to me to strive to get into a crazy good college, especially for my first two years of college. I don’t see the point of paying for four years at an expensive college when I could pay much less at a community college for the first two years to learn the same things, and then transfer credits to the college I really want to graduate from.
With WCC, there are many benefits of going. First of all, the price per credit hour is only $99. That is significantly less than the average cost of college classes, which is roughly $406 per credit hour. This makes WCC one of the most affordable in the country. They also have a very high quality school, with high level classes taught by well educated instructors.
Community colleges also transfer credits to four-year colleges seamlessly. WCC claims that they can well prepare students for a four-year college. They also have many financial aid opportunities. In fact, their website promises that “Nearly all students are eligible for financial support.” Beginning just this fall, the Michigan Community College Guarantee offers totally free tuition to students who are enrolled full time. It just doesn’t make sense for me to pass that up.
WCC also has over 100 different course options, offered seven days a week, with both night and day classes. . It’s a great choice for people who may not know what they want to do in the future with many programs, certificates, and classes to browse and choose from. For me, I plan to explore and see what my career options are. I want to be sure before I commit to a four-year college.
Though WCC is a great option for people living in the area, it’s not great if you do not live in the area. WCC does not provide living accommodations. You will either have to already be living close by or find a place to stay in the area. Sharing a room with a stranger is my personal nightmare, so staying in my family home a bit longer, having my own room, and a bathroom I don’t have to share, is an ideal situation for me.
If you have a busy schedule and cannot fit the time to attend school into your daily life, whether it be family or work, WCC has online options that accommodate schedules and make it so anyone can learn whenever they need. I personally will be taking a mix of in person and online classes to better fit my work schedule. When one signs up for WCC, they specifically ask if you will be a full-time, part-time, or “working” student. I appreciated that they recognize that many people have to work while in college, that going full-time to a four-year college and living in a dorm is really a luxury many people cannot afford.
Every person I’ve asked that is going or has gone to WCC has said it was a great experience. I’ve always been nervous about what college had in store for me, and it’s made the application process very difficult for me. But I’m not as nervous anymore. I’m excited to see what college is going to be like and I’m excited for this next stage of my life.